Roof Replacements (3-Tab, Dimensional, Designer, Class 4, Modified Bitumen)
Roof Repairs (3-Tab, Dimensional, Class 4, Modified Bitumen)
Roof Temporary Tarp (no guarantee to prevent add'l damages)
Gutter Replacements (5 inch, 6 inch or Boxed Gutters)
Ladder Assist (up to a 28' aluminum extension ladder, only for inspections)
Itemized Estimating, Field Scope, Supplement filed, Depreciation filed (fee based on amount of estimate)
Satellite Roof Image (Good for comparing multiple Roof Bids)
In the event our schedule is full, and a customer needs something we can't provide or out of our area, we will do our best to find a company who can full fill the request. The list above are just some of the common roof types we can either service or most companies service.